Flux is Really Good at Hands, Wendy's is Bringing AI to Drive Thru, and AI Textbooks
A few links to keep you busy today! Enjoy!
Morning y’all!
Today you’re getting two newsletters because I forgot to hit the “publish” button yesterday (which is the first, mind you). I don’t plan on making that a habit!
There are some days where the entire sequence of events in your normal schedule simply liquidate time — I’m not sure how that works but it does. I’m sure you know the feeling. But, let’s jump into it!
Argon is an SRE “team” to help your staff resolve issues faster. Learn more here.
This video was fun; I like the graphics!
This neat tool helps you figure out where a photo was taken. I’ve found this to be very useful and my personal tests were surprisingly good.
People are losing their minds over Flux and folks are finding neat ways to use it. And apparently it’s really good at making hands.
Researchers have just developed an AI model that can predict major diseases like heart conditions, diabetes, and cancer — significantly outperforming existing methods.
GitHub shares a few ways in which they’ve used AI for customer feedback and to build the right features. As a product person, I like these breakdowns.
Wendy’s is getting into the action using AI in Spanish for Florida drive-thrus.
And here are a few apps that you might find interesting:
Brainybear helps you train a chatbot in just a few clicks.
Semantic Scholar is a research tool for literature.
CogVideoX is an open source video generator like Sora.
I made this with CogVideoX. LOL. Not very good, but, it was a bear on a dolphin drinking a beer. Eh.
Python for beginners are a short series of courses for coding.
Audible is getting AI-powered search for audiobooks.
A survey of 100,000 workers about their use of AI via University of Chicago.
Apparently Intel had the chance to get 15% stake in OpenAI. Fail.
I personally hate Zoom but everyone uses it. New Zoom Documents.
Me Bot is an AI Life Coach.
South Korean will introduce AI-powered digital textbooks! Very neat.
And the American Bar Association releases its views on GenAI in law.
Release is an AI development and deployment platform. Get it.
And hacking CCTVs — nothing to do with AI but still a fun “test,” if you’re into that sort of thing. Don’t tell them I sent you.
— Summer