An AI Powered Candidate for Parliament and DeepMind, Harvard's Virtual Rodent
Just a few articles and apps for this Friday.
Morning y’all!
It’s Friday and we’re all ready to kick it in the booty and get into the weekend, right?
I’m looking forward to doing absolutely nothing; maybe going for a drive. That’s about it. How will you look to relax and recharge?
— Summer
Stability AI launches version 3, it’s best model yet. Even though this project has had some issues organizationally, I’m still a big fan. As long as the open source community doesn’t fall apart, I think we’re good.
An AI-powered candidate named ‘AI Steve’ is apparently running for the U.K. Parliament in the next general election. Is this the beginning of AI governance as we know it? Oh, fun.
Researchers from Google DeepMind and Harvard just revealed a virtual rodent powered by an AI neural network. Brain and motor skills can be matched to real animal behavior. Creepy.
OpenAI added a retired U.S. Army General and former NSA head Paul M. Nakasone to the Board of Directors. One can only wonder about why this appointment was made.
LinkedIn has new AI tools for job hunting and no one should be surprised. I don’t personally have a LI account and I’m so grateful that I don’t need one.
Generate consistent illustrations with this web-based tool. No legal or ethical concerns either (or at least that’s what they say).
Build your dream team of AI assistants and bots! It sounds useful but also dystopian too. But, you might find it useful.
Photographer disqualified from AI photo contest by using a real one. Rules are rules, don’t you know. But, a bit funny tbh.
And that’s a wrap. Have a great one folks.
— Summer